Got a question? Hopefully there’s an answer for you below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to bring for my Initial Consultation?

Please arrive ten minutes prior to your appointment to fill in the Initial Consultation Form (if you haven’t already), or please complete and send the online version here. You should wear comfortable exercise clothing (not too baggy) so you can move freely and bring a clean pair of socks to wear during your session.

What should I bring to all classes generally? 

Please wear clean socks to each class (Pilates ‘grippy’ socks are available for purchase in the Studio) and to assist with our required hygiene procedures, please also bring a towel and water bottle (we will have water available but require you to bring your own bottle.)

What are the Studio’s hygiene practices? 

For everyone’s safety and comfort, we ask that you:

  • Please wash and/or sanitise hands before entering the Studio
  • All equipment is wiped down at the conclusion of each session before the next class.

What is the duration of each class?

All classes are around 50-60 minutes duration.

Can I cancel a sessions after I’ve booked it?

Yes, but we do require 24 hours’ notice of cancellation or full charge is incurred and your class for the week is forfeited. This affords us the opportunity to place other clients in your spot.

How can I cancel a session once I’ve booked it online?

Please contact us on the Body In Line mobile 0402 278 257 or email us at [email protected] as soon as you can to cancel/change any sessions.

What happens if I can’t attend a booked session?

To aid administration, we request that all ‘catch-up’ sessions are made within the term, preferably within the fortnight following (and provided there is availability). Commitment and certainty around class participation aids our administration, timetabling and scheduling.

How are bookings and payments made for classes?

While casual sessions may be available, most of our clients book a regular session on a per school term basis, which is usually 10 weeks.

In order to assist us and help us maintain our focus on teaching, along with preparation of the Body In Line Studio, we request that you make payments promptly prior to any session or term package you are committing to.

What are the class sizes?  

Individual classes are 1:1 and duets 2:1. Semi-private sessions are usually for groups of 4-6 with 1 instructor. Group mat classes are for larger groups of up to 12 in the Studio, or via Zoom.

Bookings are required for all classes including mat classes.

Can I do Pilates if I have an injury?

Pilates can be therapeutic after injury or surgery, particularly for neck, back, shoulder, or knee problems. Using the apparatus we can exercise and condition the entire body, not just the problem area, helping to support and strengthen the healing of the injury.

Can it help elderly people with mobility issues?

One of the significant benefits Pilates provides the elderly or less mobile is that it’s initially started lying down where the spine is fully supported. This is the safest way to start developing strength and coordination.

Clients can then progress to standing and bending exercises, which is excellent for the treatment of osteoporosis, being more prevalent in elderly clients. Weight bearing is very important to improve balance which helps decrease the likelihood of falls. Pilates also promotes the releasing of joints and mobilises them, great for arthritic conditions helping decrease pain and stiffness.

Can I do Pilates if I am pregnant?

Yes. Pilates can be enjoyed throughout pregnancy as it is gentle and adaptable to accommodate the physical changes from month to month. After giving birth, Pilates will help bring your body back into shape and strengthen all the right muscles.